Dream A Little Dream With Me

    Good day to you! My name is David, and THIS is my homepage. 

    Although this page was once the store house of an online roleplaying game called Star Wars - Expansion of the Force, the RPG has since changed managment, and moved to a new server, located at www.eotf.net. If this is what you are attempting to locate, I suggest you go there. If however, you are looking for the homepage and online den of adreamer, ahopeless romantic, a Dead Poet, and/or just an average guy named Dave, then you've come to the right place.

    As you can probably tell from the title, I place a certain stock in dreams. Not just sleep-dreams, or day dreams, but DREAMS. When it comes right down to it, everything in life that you think of in a future sense is a dream. :) Everything.

    Hopeless Romanticism is a condition of dreams. Future hopes and desires, wishes and cravings. All dreams. And more - a dream is something from inside of you, something unique to you alone, and when you share a dream with someone you love, you ensure that a part of you will live on in them forever. 

    Not only did I write this webpage to make a mark on the WWW for myself, but also so that I could share some of my dreams with the people I care about - in an easy to access, online reference format. Poetry I've written, songs I'd like to set to music or have set to music, essays and short stories, even on-going serials that I'd like to open up to others for participation.

So, anyway, please enjoy my little niche online, and feel free to give me any comments you might have. Some of the pages may not be done yet, so be patient.


About Me - Self-Explanitory, eh?
My Loved Ones - The People I Care About
My Poetry - More Obviousness. Obvious is good.
My Stories and Serials - My great gift.
My Writings and Thoughts On Everything - ON EVERYTHING. :)
My Personal Dictionary - Heh. Come look and see.
Some Links - Obvious Again.

Image By Ted Naismith, Used without permisson

About Me

Name: Dave (if you know my last name, GOOD! ... if not ... GOOD!)
Age: 21, although sometimes I'd like to add an extra zero on the end and make it 210 ... It sure feels like that somedays. I am the Old One.
Nicknames: Dave, Old One, AOTC (Mark should get that one if he thinks it over.), Shadowmaster, Skywalker, Yoda, David. Davey, Da-Veed.
School: Currently in the process of deciding where to go to return to college.
Work: Pizza Hut Delivery Driver (Good Money)

Mmm, I'm not big on statistics, so I'll fill in the rest the old fashioned way. I'm a tall, lean young man with brown hair and brown eyes. I enjoy reading, writing, great music, outdoors, camping, basketball, football, soccer, sharing a cup of something or other with a friend, relaxing, RPG, WRITING, talking to my friends, and just all-in-all, enjoying my life as fully as I am able.

As far as my loved ones are concerned, this should tide you over until I figure out who wants to and who doesn't want to be on my webpage. I have 4 amazingly good friends whom I cherish very much, Mark, Sarah, Ruth, and John. I have a handful of other close friends, and people I confide it, but I have a curious tendency to avoid having lots of casual friends, so most of my friends are people with which I share some history, connection, mutual friend, or whatnot. I'm completely head over heels in love with a beautiful young woman named Ruth, and don't ever plan on changing my mind on that. :)

Most commonly I can be found online at Yahoo! as The_JediMaster_LukeSkywalker, an ID which also serves as my e-mail nickname @yahoo.com for my public address. As far as my private address goes, that I reserve for a handful of people, and don't give out. As far as my online presence is concerned, I'm the ex-GM/Game Creator of EOTF, and you can still find me in and around there from time to time, I'm looking to rejoin the Infinite Earths RP, and I'm also looking to create, at some point in the next few months, a Lord of the Rings Roleplay Game.

I love to read, as I've said before, and my favorite authors are probably J.R.R. Tolkien, Mercedes Lackey, which I stole from my gf, and Stephen Lawhead. In that order. My favorite movies include Braveheart, Gladiator, First Knight, ROTJ, Highlander IV, Dragonheart, and a slew of other great flicks. My favorite band right now is probably Creed, but my favorite song is a toss up between Slide from Goo Goo Dolls, and Arms Wide Open from Creed. Bon Jovi's "It's My Life," kicks a lot too. And how can I not like 3rd Eye Blind's Newest - Kryptonite?

As far as future plans go, this is one I'm constantly seeing get revised, but I suppose the basics are still pretty much the same as they always have been. At some point in the future I'd like to finish college, and either go into teaching, the ministry, or a writing career, as much as it's become a pipe dream these days just to open up a small bookshop in some lovely mid-sized town and bring literacy to the masses. I want to eventually marry and have a child or two to raise *God, I love kids.* but that's something undefinate right now, as is much of the future. Eventually, though, I want to die surrounded by friends, able to boast when I go upstairs that I was loved in my time.

Last Updated 9/25/00 - Dave - The_JediMaster_LukeSkywalker@yahoo.com